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At the heart of the tightness of the fireplace door is the insulating sealing rope.

Дверца топочная герметичная
Дверца топочная герметичная

At the heart of the tightness of the fireplace door is the insulating sealing rope.

The photo shows a special glass fiber rope for fireplaces from Tianjin Bohaibay Trading Co., Ltd.

The insulating rope is designed to seal the stove and fireplace door. It is fitted along the contours of the glass or cast iron insert.

The insulation rope prevents carbon monoxide from seeping into the room and reduces heat loss through the fireplace door.

The insulation cords fitted to the cast iron masonry heater hardware doors are made of fiberglass and because they

can withstand heat loads of up to 550 degrees Celsius.

Even under prolonged heat loads, the cord will not deform and no gaps will appear.

When heated, it does not release any substances that are harmful to humans or animals.

Picture of Alex Wang

Alex Wang

Hi, I’m Alex Wang, the funder of, I’ve been running a factory in China that makes cast iron stoves and castings for 8 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to cast iron stoves and castings from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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