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How to do if the smoke passage is cold and wet?

ash box door
ash box door

If you do not use a fireplace or a stone masonry heater continuously, especially in cold seasons, the smoke passages can become humid and cold, so circulation problems can occur when trying to burn. This happens because cold air in the flue and chimney prevents hot air from passing through them.

In other words, there is no circulation. Fireway recommends opening the top cleaning duct door and burning a sheet of paper or slats in it. Cold air will warm the canals in this way, opening the way for hot air. Gradually, the flue will become hot, the circulation will stabilize, and the smoke will disappear.

To help light the stove, it is recommended to put a piece of paper first, and then some planks and small logs. Then illuminate the paper and close the combustion channel door to open the air supply valve. If the ignition is still not good enough, you can slightly open the combustion tube door.



Picture of Alex Wang

Alex Wang

Hi, I’m Alex Wang, the funder of, I’ve been running a factory in China that makes cast iron stoves and castings for 8 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to cast iron stoves and castings from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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