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How to prevent COVID-19

I learned important information from today’s news that COVID-19 in Beijing and Dalian, China is related to the seafood processing and sales industry.

This is the similarity.

A humid, low-temperature environment is suitable for the survival of the COVID-19 virus, and it is not easy to eliminate, and it is easy to cause the danger of transmission.

The masonry heater can provide a wide and long-lasting dry and warm environment, which is beneficial in to fight against COVID-19.

Masonry Heaters are the Best Option for Heating with Wood.

Masonry heaters have been around for hundreds of years in Europe, but are just recently catching on in the U.S. the great thing about heaters is that they are GREEN.

Another benefit masonry heaters offer is that they don’t require electricity, gas, or ductwork to distribute the heat.

The raw material of the doors and dampers is 100% cast iron, which is the safest and most stable material, not easy to deform, and has the longest service life.

Picture of Alex Wang

Alex Wang

Hi, I’m Alex Wang, the funder of, I’ve been running a factory in China that makes cast iron stoves and castings for 8 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to cast iron stoves and castings from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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